Wednesday 11 July 2007

Wednesday 11th July

Very wet going today, have taken the Alantic Road...lots of spectacular bridges and islands, can't see eveything though, which is a pity. Having a damp look around Kristiansund which looks pretty....


Bunzrockz said...

I love the picture of the bridge to no~where. Sounds like your having a ball.
Don't tell me Monty's leaking a wee bit of oil from the only paper gasket, thats the only one I have just used on the Cabby engine, and it's finished!!
Glad your having a great time the picture are fab, keep them coming.

By the way got a text from Johnny Johnston, having a great time should be back home at the end of July. They've just left Moscow.


Anonymous said...

Fab hols - very jealous - couldn't see the box of emergency buscuit rations, nor crate of wine to import in the kit list inventory.

Have a safe journey.